WaveCatcher Overview
Streamlined Site Survey Tool. The WaveCatcher site survey tool has been developed and refined to make site surveys easy, mobile, and user friendly. Created to be accessible and easily understood by any user, the WaveCatcher delivers precise measurement data with a push of a button.
With an array of hardware options to choose from, defining your WaveCatcher package is easy: simply let us know what type of environmental noise needs to be measured, across what frequency range, and we will help deliver the best solution to meet your research needs!
Hardware Features
The WaveCatcher is compatible with a variety of vibration, acoustic, and EMI sensors, which can be easily tailored to meet the requirements of any application. Provided below are the hardware and sensor options available for the WaveCatcher:
- Single or triple axis vibration sensor
- Broadband acoustic microphone
- Triple axis EMI sensor
- Compact, highly portable carrying case
- Analog-to-digital converter
- WaveCatcher signal analysis software with compact computer
Software Features
The WaveCatcher software is designed to help researchers better understand their environment with the push of a button. It’s software UI enables users to quickly and accurately perform site survey measurements. Provided below are some key features available with the WaveCatcher software:
- Quick Measurements: Quickly measure acoustic, vibration and EMI (AC Only) noise with the push of a button.
- High Repeatability: Pre-loaded and user-defined protocols ensure measurements can be performed with consistent and reliable measurement parameters.
- Dynamic Data Post Processing: Dynamic post-processing for immediate analysis and review of measurement data and sample modes.
- Multi-Sensor Measurements: Multiple sensor measurements for complex and customized data collection, popular for transmissibility testing.